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What is a natty bodybuilder or natty bodybuilding ?

Today it’s time to discuss what is a natty bodybuilder !

If you go around the gym or on the internet on different forums like reddit, everyone will say “natty”, “natty or not”.

Well, I’m sure you already know that natty means natural. And so natty bodybuilder or natty bodybuilding simply means natural bodybuilder and natural bodybuilding.

Natty is the short word for natural. 

Now that I gave you a quick answer, I think it’s worth talking a bit more about the natty  aspect by giving a better meaning and definition to it.

So let’s delve a bit deeper into the natty concept !

Understanding what is the Natty Bodybuilder, definition, meaning…

In the world of bodybuilding and fitness, the term “natty bodybuilder” is used to describe someone who decided to achieve a physique without the help of enhancing drugs, aka “steroids”.

The fitness industry has unfortunately took a turn where more and more young people are using anabolic drugs to get their results. The popularity of the “natty” and “natural” word has grown back to be able to categorize people according to how they achieve their physique.

Categorizing doesn’t mean judgmental, but it is just easier to contextualize and understand how someone achieved his physique.

Being natty means you will rely solely on nutrition, training and genetics as well as your motivation to sculpt your body.

What are the key components of Natty Bodybuilding ?

Diet and nutrition for natty bodybuilders

Nutrition is important in natural bodybuilding. You can’t rely on any external factor to enhance your physique so everything you can do to improve, you got to do it !

A natty bodybuilder will focus on a balanced diet to fuel their workouts, and have good muscle growth while resting.

All nutrients are important, from carbs to fats and proteins. For bodybuilders, protein is important and is usually a big thing. Sometimes protein are overrated and you definitely shouldn’t eat so much of them. Finding balance is probably what’s best !

Training for a good natty physique                          

To get a good natty physique and results, natural bodybuilders all have things in common.

They engage in a routine that is adapted to their body morphology, they focus only on what matters and don’t waste time on too many exercises. They are regular and train frequently enough with high intensity. Every set is pretty close to failure and they understand that they need to progress overtime on the weights they use if they want their muscles to grow. A good natty bodybuilder will usually mix strength training where they go for rather low reps at the start of their training, and then go for higher reps towards the end of the workout.

Strength work helps the nattys to gain strength and lift heavier on the lifts where they do higher rep work. Generally speaking, we build muscle on high reps, when there is enough time under tension with good weight. But if the weight stays the same forever, it won’t grow, that’s why strength work is also important.

If you get stronger as a whole, you will get stronger when you do your higher reps too, and that’s when as a natty bodybuilder you will grow.

The challenges of natty bodybuilding     

Here are some “challenges” a natty bodybuilder might face. I say “might” because I actually don’t think they’re challenges but more stereotypes. When you know how to train well as a natty, you make great gains and pretty fast.

1-      Slower progress

It is usually said that natty bodybuilding will take more time than enhanced bodybuilding. It is both true and false. Of course taking anabolics will make you grow much faster if you respond well to the drugs. But it usually isn’t sustainable. If you long at the long term, you have more chances to be bigger from natty bodybuildng in 10 years than enhanced. The enhanced bodybuilder might never make it up to 10 years taking such drugs. In the end, reality comes back to you, and the natty bodybuilder will win both in size and health. Also, it is a misconception that a natty bodybuilder can’t grow fast. I’ve helped some friends out training with the right methods and they made so much gains in such a short period of time.

2-      Genetic limitations

If you compare natty bodybuilding to enhanced bodybuilding, it is true to say that you will never reach Ronnie Coleman’s prime physique as a natural. First Ronnie Coleman is a genetic monster, and second his response to the drugs was working very well for him. But then again, there are misconceptions about true natural bodybuilding and the genetic limits. Most people think natty bodybuilding as a sport where you can’t achieve a great physique. Let me tell you, they’re plenty of naturals who look better and bigger than guys who’ve taken drugs.

If you know how to train naturally and improve overtime, you can get a very solid physique. The natural limit doesn’t really exist, it’s slower than enhanced bodybuilding but it never is limited. You only get limited because you’ve got a life on the side of bodybuilding and might not be able to prioritise bodybuilding at some point, but that’s it.

3-      Competitive disadvantage

This one is very true though. If you’re a natty bodybuilder and want to compete in both natty competitions or non-natty shows, you will suffer disadvantage. It’s very common that folks who take drugs or have taken drugs will go to natty shows and pass the tests.

The natty industry is not fair with you and that’s a clear inconvenient. Then if you go to non-natty competition shows, it’s obvious there is a competitive disadvantage but I guess you don’t fel cheated there, you knew what you were getting into, and it will be interesting to measure your natty physique to unnatural physiques.

The benefits of natty bodybuilding

Now let’s talk about the benefits of being a natty gym guy. We can’t say that the “inconvenients” where really inconvenients, because I know real natural bodybuilding is better than what people claim it to be. But now, we are going to be able to talk specifically about the great benefits of natty bodybuilding.

Health and longevity

Reasonable natural bodybuilding training to build some muscles and keep active is healthy. Eating healthy food and making your body move and get stronger is healthy. You don’t rely on any drugs and so you’re setting yourself up for longevity. That is definitely the very cool aspect about natty bodybuilding. You can actually build a great physique (for real, don’t listen to non-sayers), and you will have this good physique for a very long time.

Personal achievement

Achieving a natty physique is deeply satisfying. First you showed yourself it was possible and destroyed some myths. Then you inspire others to do the same in an industry where a lot of people prone drug use and actually destroy the industry. Listen, if you ever take anabolics, even for 2 months and never take them again, no one will say you’re natural. 

At the time you touch it, you’re unnatural for most people. And all you’ve achieved in the past as a natty bodybuilder won’t be trusted anymore. I know this is awful but that’s the way it is currently.

If you ever touch drugs, you ain’t ever going to be natty again. So you definitely have to think twice before taking anything.


As mentioned, you will be an inspiration for others. If you build a great natural physique, you will show what’s possible to do and lift many myths and misconceptions. Keep going, build a good natty physique, and inspire people around you to do the same !


In the world of bodybuilding, the term “natty bodybuilder” means someone who chooses to pursue their bodybuilding goals through natural means and without drugs.

They emphasize hard work, discipline, and patience. While the journey of a natty bodybuilder might be challenging sometimes, the sense of personal achievement and the inspiration given to others will be the most rewarding choice.

The natty bodybuilding word comes with too many misconceptions and fake ideas. Natty bodybuilders can in the long term achieve physiques that no drugs could ever achieve because in the long term they won’t grow more muscles but destroy you and force you to stop.

Short term might win with enhancing, but what’s the point if it doesn’t last ?

Stay ‘natty’ !